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In order to build a digital Bangladesh for the implementation of the vision 2021 announced by the present Prime Minister of the Government of the People's

Republic of Bangladesh, the Government has given special importance to this sector to ensure technical assistance in the ubiquitous application and use

of information and communication technology at district, upazila and union levels; Access to information and communication technology facilities,

infrastructure security provisions; Maintenance; Implementation The 'Department of Information and Communication Technology' was formed on

July 31, 2013 to ensure the provision of e-services in remote areas of the country by controlling expansion standards and enhancing the skills of

computer professionals.

At a glance, the Department of Information and Communication Technology
=> Name of the Department: Department of Information and Communication Technology;
=> Administrative Department: Information and Communication Technology Department;
=> Ministry: Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology;
=> Date of establishment: July 31, 2013;
=> Head Office: E-14 / X, ICT Tower, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207.
Manpower structure of the department:
  !st Class 24  
Head Office 2nd Class 04 Total-76
  3rd class 26  
  4th Class 22  
Zilla Office 1st Class 128 Total-382
  3rd & 4th Class 256  
Upazila Office 1st Class 488 Total-1464
  3rd & 4th Class 980  
Total     1922
Effective purpose:
1) To create high speed electronics connection system up to the lowest level of the country.
2) To create appropriate infrastructure for the purpose of providing information and communication technology related services throughout the country.
3) Coordination of information and communication technology related activities at government and private levels.
4) Effective maintenance of information and communication technology related infrastructure to provide uninterrupted services.
5) Creation of ICT services for the purpose of creating skilled information and communication technology professionals at the government level.
6) Increase the capacity of trained manpower for fast changing technology.
7) Expansion of information and communication technology knowledge at all levels of government and people.
8) Preparation of laws, policies, guidelines and standardization related to information and communication technology.
9) Creation and maintenance of interoperability in the practical field of ICT services and products.
10) To provide overall support for research, innovation and application of new technologies.
1) Ensuring and coordinating the use and application of ICT at all levels of government.
2) To provide assistance, maintenance and support for the creation of appropriate ICT infrastructure in all departments up to the field level.
3) Recruitment, promotion, posting and transfer of professionally skilled manpower in all levels of government departments.
4) Transfer of technical and specialized knowledge of information technology at all levels.
5) Formulation and implementation of policies for the development of equality of government institutions and manpower.
6) Formulation and implementation of policies for the development of equality of manpower related to information technology
7) To take initiative to provide services to the people electronically up to the grassroots level and to collect, distribute and conduct research activities in this regard.
8) Ensuring demand, quality and interoperability of equipment etc.
9) To provide research, development and support for the assimilation of modern technology at all levels.
10) To give proper status and safeguard the interests of the officers / employees of the department through proper evaluation of their merits, experience and qualifications.